Friday, June 24, 2011

At the Office Episode 3: A Promotion!

A couple of weeks ago, I was moved from my cubicle to an actual office! Granted, the office is only 6 feet from where my cubicle used to be, but still! I have a room of my very own!

A Room of Her Own . . . I feel like a read a passage with that title in an English class in college once. I think it was written by Virginia Woolf. Well, now it's going to bug me if I don't check. I'll google. Just a second.

Yes! It was an extended essay by Virginia Woolf, titled "A Room of One's Own." The essay is considered to be a feminist text "which explores women both as writers of, and characters in fiction" and I remember that Woolf thought that in order for a woman to write well, she needed a space of her very own in which to gather her thoughts (according to a combination of knowledge from Wikipedia and my vague memory of reading it about three or four years ago).

Well, what do you know? I'm sitting in a room of my very own, and I happen to be writing. What a coincidence.

Moving on, I do even less work in my office. Apparently, being moved to an office means that you work even less, which I didn't think was even physically possible in my workplace. I mean, I work several hours a week, but the rest of the time is free time.

I've found various ways to fill this free time. I've read multiple books. I started teaching myself web design. Why not?

But I won't fool you. I mean you already know that sometimes I just play hearts on the company computer, or I write on this blog from my laptop (which I'm doing right now in an office of my very own).

Yesterday, I played Minesweeper.

I have a love/hate relationship with Minesweeper. On the one hand, it takes up time and amuses me; on the other hand, IT'S THE MOST FRUSTRATING THING IN THE WORLD!

Seriously! I don't think I've ever won the expert level, not even once. I'll be really close, and then I'll click the wrong button, and it's all over.

I got so mad at Minesweeper that I started playing Hearts again, only to get mad at the computer because I should have had a wonderful score of zero, but Pauline shot the moon in round 2, and then Ben shot the moon in round 3, and then I decided that this was just ridiculous and closed the window and left work early . . . because I'd already done my work for the day earlier, and I forgot to bring a book to keep my mind entertained.

I get mad at inanimate objects (primarily computers) much more often that I get mad at people. It's just a fact of life.

Although, I've got to say, I live a very very very blessed life seeing as the most worrysome part of my day was getting mad at Minesweeper in my new office.

Very very blessed.

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